To Contact Public Works:
Phone - 828-728-2826
Public Works Director, Norman Crump
Schedule of Fees
The Public Works Department is headed by Mr. Norman Crump.
His Department has five full-time employees in the following divisions:
This Department helps with special events, such as parades, car shows, festivals, musical events, plus many other events that the Town sponsors.
Through an agreement between the City of Lenoir, and the Town of Hudson, the City of Lenoir provides water and sewer services to the residents and businesses of Hudson. The City of Lenoir provides a drop box for payments at the Hudson Town Hall. The drop box is located at the end of the driveway for the drive-thru window at the Hudson Town Hall. Payments are collected from the drop box by the City of Lenoir Monday through Friday. If you have questions about your water/sewer bill, contact the Lenoir Water Department at 757-3310 or 757-2200.
The Town of Hudson has approximately 23.9 miles of paved streets or roads within the Town Limits. There are currently no unpaved Town streets in Hudson. The Public Works Department maintains the paving, resurfacing and damage repairs to the Town streets as needed.
All the properties and grounds owned by the Town of Hudson are cared for by the Public Works Department. Care for the grounds includes mowing grass, planting flowers and trees, fertilizing and administering weed control, as well as working to keep the grounds free of litter.
The Public Works Department will pick-up large items, such as old appliances, old furniture, light construction materials, etc., that cannot be picked up with the regular weekly garbage pick-up. Please see our "Schedule of Fees" shown near the top of this page under "Disposal of Household Items" for charges involved with our special pick-ups.
The following items cannot be picked up by the Town during our Clean-Up:
If you have questions about items that you need to dispose of, or if you would like to schedule an extra pick-up, please contact the Public Works Dept. at 728-2826, or the Hudson Town Hall at 728-8272.
Please remember to call utility companies before you start digging of any kind.