Hudson was born in a sawmill camp more than 100 years ago. The section in and around Hudson was very thickly wooded, largely virgin pine of the best quality. The timber was the only attraction.
There were only three buildings in the immediate territory at that time. A frame house stood near what is now the Throneburg Store. The log houses, one located to the east and one to the west of the village, belonged to Mr. Logan Sullivan and a Reece family.
From the records, Gunpowder Baptist Church was the first church. It was organized in 1831 with 13 charter members. In 1835 the name was changed from Gunpowder to Sardis Baptist Church. In 1865 the log building burned, and in 1867 a frame building was erected where the cemetery is now located.
In 1949, the present building was built on the location across the railroad. In 1955 the name of the church was changed from Sardis to First Baptist Church.
The first Post Office was located one and a half miles from the Village, near "Buck Shoals". The first Postmistress was Miss Susanna Rice, who later married Mr. Henry Smith. She was the mother of Mr. Tip Smith, the town's bachelor.
Among early settlers we find such names as Sullivans, Smiths, Richards, Lingles, Shells, Freemans, Hichmans, Throneburgs, and Hudsons. The Hudsons were brothers, Monroe and Johnny. The name Hudson, honoring these two brothers, with "ville" added, was selected for the official name for the village. Hudsonville came into being in 1880. Later about 1889 "ville" was dropped because much of the mail addressed to Hudsonville was inadvertently mailed to Hendersonville. From then on the Village was officially known as Hudson. Mr. Monroe Hudson then became the first village Postmaster from 1880-1889.
In 1900 the first telephone was installed in Hudson.
As the Village became more densely populated, the need for more churches and schools was keenly felt. In 1903 and 1904 only twelve libraries were in Caldwell County with 1,050 volumes divided among the schools.
During 1904 and 1905, Hudson was the smallest township in Caldwell County, a beautiful little town located on the C. and N.W. Railroad, still with it's dirt trails. "The people of this town are so progressive, take so much pride, and interest in their schools and churches it will be reported in the future when it is a city."
In 1905, Hudson was incorporated, with Professor Phillips as first Mayor while working as a school teacher.
In 1904, a very prominent man, Mr. B.B. Hayes of the textile industry from South Carolina, came to Hudson and established Hudson's first big industry. It was known as Hudson Cotton Mill (Shuford Mills). It was the first brick structure in Hudson. Later another mill, Caldwell, was erected.
In 1905 a Music Publishing Company was established. Mr. A.E. Helton owned and operated the Company until later when Mr. E.T. Hickman a partner. The Music Company was located where Hudson Hardware is now located. Mullis, Herman, and O.W. Cloer stores were built.
No other businesses other than roller mills and two blacksmith shops, and one livery stable were located here until 1912 when a chair factory was built and soon burned. Lenoir Veneer Company in Lenoir is a continuation of this chair company.
In 1889, Hudson Methodist Church was organized. The congregation met in the school building and the Sardis Baptist Church. A frame building was built in 1906 at the present location. Later the present brick structure replaced the frame church.
In 1910 St. John's Lutheran Church was organized and a frame building was erected in the same location as the present one. It served the people until 1925 when a new brick structure was built.
In 1920 electricity was brought to Hudson. All businesses were run by steam before electricity. The cost per month was $1.50. Also in 1920, Mr. Frank Smith moved from Lincoln County and built a building for a Bicycle Shop. This building was located below the Town library.
Around 1925 the first paved road was built from Hickory to Hudson and Lenoir.
In 1948, the People of Hudson voted to purchase a water system. At that time 240 families "bought" city water, and many have done so since that time. The water is supplied by two drilled wells with two large water tanks at the Hudson Cotton Mill (Shuford Mills). Mr. R. Barton Hayes, a prominent businessman and owner of the Hudson Cotton Mills made possible the supplying of water for the Town.
In 1950, Hudson organized a Town Fire Department located at the Hudson Cotton Mill. Later, a brick structure was constructed on land owned by Hudson Cotton Mill.
Hudson was fortunate to receive a beautiful new and modern Post Office in 1966. It is located next to the Fairway Shopping Center.
In 1984 the Town built a new municipal complex to house administrative and police functions for the Town.
In 1999, the Town sold the water and sewer system to the City of Lenoir which now touches the Town Limits. In previous years, Lenoir was located as far as seven miles away, but due to annexations the two municipalities now share a border.
To purchase a copy of out town's book, "Hudson's Heritage: The History of Hudson, North Carolina," please contact Hudson Town Hall at 828-728-8272.